Altamont and NY Forward

The "New York Forward" program was announced in 2022 "to invigorate and enliven downtowns in New York’s smaller and rural communities—the type of downtowns found in villages, hamlets and other small, neighborhood-scale municipal centers." In August, the Village of Altamont submitted a letter of intent to apply for this funding. The submission committee will use this website and other outreach methods to collect feedback from stakeholders as they prepare Altamont's application. 

More information about the NY Forward grant program, and the application process is available here. Details about Altamont's application are located on sub-pages below. This website will be updated in the coming weeks as details are finalized and feedback from the community is incorporated. Feedback will be collected via community surveys, at a public hearing, and through outreach to various community groups.

Learn About Altamont's Application

How to Submit Feedback